
Terms & Conditions 

The following are this business’s terms and conditions, in accordance with industry standards prescribed by the Association of Mail & Business Centers. This business reserves the right to revise these terms and conditions without advance notice.

Prohibited Items: Certain items are considered hazardous, illegal, prohibited, dangerous, or restricted, and Box & Go does not knowingly handle or accept them. These include, but are not limited to, lithium batteries, perfume, alcoholic beverages, firearms, controlled substances, currency, tobacco products, gambling devices, human remains, live animals, gasses, poisons, items under pressure, dry ice, combustible and corrosive materials, infectious and radioactive substances, explosives, drug paraphernalia, weapons, and any other items restricted or prohibited by carriers or governmental bodies. It is the customer’s responsibility to declare any such items before attempting shipment. Any such items discovered will be confiscated and shipping fees will not be refunded. Any fines assessed by the carriers for such substances are the responsibility of the customer. Any item tendered to Box & Go may be opened at any time for inspection to ensure conformance with shipping requirements. Box & Go reserves the right to refuse any shipment for any reason.

International Shipments: Every nation has the right to assess duties and taxes on anything that crosses their borders and Box & Go has no way to predict or control that process. The customer accepts full responsibility to reimburse Box & Go for any duties and taxes billed to Box & Go and/or any return shipping charges for refused or undeliverable shipments. If it is necessary to complete or edit a customs form after the time of the transaction, the customer gives Box & Go’s staff full permission to sign the form on their behalf.

Packaging, Loss, Damage, and Declared Value: Box & Go offers professional packaging services. The customer accepts full responsibility for damage to any item not fully packaged by Box & Go. Box & Go will be unable to properly process any sort of claim unless the customer notifies Box & Go of damage within 48 hours of shipment delivery or within 10 days of non-delivery, obvious damage is noted on the carrier’s delivery document, packing materials and cartons are retained by the consignee, and the customer and consignee both cooperate with instructions from Box & Go and the carrier with processing the claim. In the event of loss or damage of any article, Box & Go’s liability shall be limited to the lesser of the actual cash value of the article, the amount necessary to repair or replace the article, or the amount declared by the customer at the time of the shipment. Box & Go gives each customer $100 of declared value coverage for all non-document shipments carried by commercial carriers (FedEx, UPS) and no automatic coverage for anything carried by the United States Postal Service. Other values may be declared for coverage with commercial carriers at the time of the shipping transaction only and declared value coverage rates will apply. Coverage is not a guarantee that a claim will be paid. Televisions, monitors, plate glass (including framed glass), neon signs, and Lladro and Hummel figurines are considered “inherent vice” and always excluded from coverage. Computers and other electronic devices are covered for external casing damage only and never for internal or screen damage, and computer software is never covered. In order to establish actual cash value in the event of damage or loss, the customer is responsible for furnishing Box & Go with an original invoice or receipt which is not more than one year old. The amount declared by the customer at the time of shipment is not an acceptable proof of value. In no event shall Box & Go be liable for any consequential or incidental damages which may arise from loss, damage, non-delivery, or delayed delivery. The customer agrees that once a claim for loss or damage has been paid or denied, the customer waives all rights to file further claims on that shipment and understands that the carrier’s decision is final. Box & Go is not a Post Office, however, is authorized by different shipping and mail carriers to sell their products. As a third party, Box & Go offers rates that are independent of the carriers’ rates. Box & Go does not physically transport and deliver shipments but tenders them to the carrier that the customer chooses. The customer must abide by all regulations and policies dictated by the carrier.

Address, Delivery, and Tracking: The customer warrants that the address on the label is complete and accurate. If the carrier is required to correct the address or deliver to another address, the customer agrees to pay fees associated with this additional service. The carrier may deliver the shipment without a signature unless the customer requests a delivery signature at the time of shipping and pays any applicable fee for such service. Box & Go and the carrier are not liable for loss or damage occurring after delivery. The inclusion of a “tracking number” on your receipt for United States Postal Service products is not considered a true method of tracking for a shipment.

Drop-Offs: Box & Go accepts prepaid items as a free public courtesy and agrees to simply pass them off to the designated carriers. Box & Go accepts no responsibility for these shipments and, consequently, an official receipt cannot be produced for them. Customers dropping off shipments fully, without reservation or condition, agree to absolve and hold harmless and indemnify Box & Go, its owners and employees, from all injuries and/or damages that result from handling, storing, and transporting dropped-off shipments and fully reimburse for any costs, fees, or expenses that may arise from such.

Copyrights and Permissions: Each customer assumes full responsibility regarding property, permissions, copyright, confidentiality, and legitimacy for anything printed, copied, scanned, bound, laminated, packed, and/or shipped at Box & Go.


Have A Question About Our Terms & Conditions?

For more information, call us at 217-862-2060 or send us a message by clicking the button below.

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